Universal Regex Cheat Sheet
Basic Patterns
Pattern | Description |
^ | Matches the beginning of a string. |
$ | Matches the end of a string. |
. | Matches any single character except newline characters. |
[...] | Matches any character listed between the square brackets. |
[^...] | Matches any character not listed between the square brackets. |
\d | Matches any digit. |
\D | Matches any non-digit. |
\w | Matches any word character (alphanumeric plus underscore). |
\W | Matches any non-word character. |
\s | Matches any whitespace character. |
\S | Matches any non-whitespace character. |
\b | Matches a word boundary. |
\B | Matches a non-word boundary. |
Pattern | Description |
* | Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding element. |
+ | Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element. |
? | Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding element. |
{n} | Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding element. |
{n,} | Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding element. |
{n,m} | Matches between n and m occurrences of the preceding element. |
Groups and Lookaround
Pattern | Description |
(...) | Defines a capturing group. |
(?:...) | Defines a non-capturing group. |
(?=...) | Positive lookahead assertion. |
(?!...) | Negative lookahead assertion. |
(?<=...) | Positive lookbehind assertion (not supported in all languages). |
(? | Negative lookbehind assertion (not supported in all languages). |
Common Escape Sequences
Pattern | Description |
\ | Escapes a special character. |
\t | Matches a tab character. |
\n | Matches a newline character. |
\r | Matches a carriage return character. |
Character Classes
Pattern | Description |
\a | Matches an alarm/bell character (ASCII 7). |
\e | Matches an escape character (ASCII 27), not universally supported. |
\f | Matches a form feed character (ASCII 12). |
\v | Matches a vertical tab character (ASCII 11). |
\cX | Matches a control character, where X is the letter of the control character. |
Pattern | Description |
\1, \2, ... | Backreference to a previously captured group. The number corresponds to the group number. |
Modifiers (Flags)
Modifier | Description |
g | Global search. Don't return after the first match. |
u | Full Unicode matching. Treat the pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points. |
POSIX Character Classes
Pattern | Description |
[:punct:] | Matches punctuation characters. |
[:cntrl:] | Matches control characters. |
[:graph:] | Matches characters that have a visual representation (not including space). |
[:print:] | Matches characters that have a visual representation (including space). |
[:xdigit:] | Matches hexadecimal digits. |
Atomic Groups (Non-backtracking)
Pattern | Description |
(?>...) | Atomic group. Once a sub-pattern has matched, the regex engine won't backtrack beyond that point. |
Boundary Matchers
Pattern | Description |
\G | Matches the position where the previous match ended. |
\z | Matches the absolute end of the input. |
\Z | Matches the end of the input but before the final line terminator, if any. |
Unicode Property Escapes
Pattern | Description |
\p{Property} | Matches a character with a particular Unicode property, e.g., \p{L} for a letter. Not universally supported. |
\P{Property} | Matches a character without a particular Unicode property. Not universally supported. |
Mode Modifiers (Inline Flags)
Pattern | Description |
(?i) | Case-insensitive mode. |
(?m) | Multiline mode. Changes the behavior of ^ and $. |
(?s) | Dot matches newline mode. |
(?x) | Extended mode. Ignores whitespace and allows comments. |
Comments in Regex
Pattern | Description |
(?#...) | Comment. The content inside is ignored by the regex engine. |